Tuesday, September 16, 2008


This narrative will be posted in chronological order to maintain the story thread. Please disregard the posting dates.
Back To The Future
Posted 11/05/08

Sunday, September 14, 2008

In The Beginning...

In the Beginning the Earth was without Shape or Form and at this point I muttered, "This is good.... now leave me the Hell alone!!!!!"

I am a semi-hermit by choice and have no pets since animals can be unreasonable and demanding. Some will keep a dog or cat or possibly another type of creature about their domicile for "company". These animals are sometimes referred to as "dumb" and for a very good reason. You can talk to one of these "pets" until you are blue in the face when it should be painfully evident that the whir of a can opener defines the depth of their understanding and interests.

But I digress. On about March 30th, a Sunday, of this year I began to get sick with flu-like symptoms. As my condition worsened food became a nuisance because I could retain it for only brief periods. By Thursday of that week I was not eating at all.

I began to get very weak and had a bad case of the Shakes. Saturday came, and with it the Hallucinations. The first was a teenage girl who crouched silent and motionless by my bedroom window. Later a small tiger poked it's head through a hole in the ceiling.

Due to general weakness I was having great difficulty walking and once fell off of the bed and struggled for several minutes to get on my feet. Later that night on a trip to the bathroom I observed ten or fifteen people gathered in my living room. They were all strangers and their presence upset me to no end. With gun in hand I encouraged them to leave immediately or suffer grave consequences.

It was a strange sight in my living room. All of these people gathered for some purpose, but not moving or speaking even when I demanded that they leave. Since threats seemed to have no effect, I called 911. This turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life.

This narrative will certainly become more and more confusing and disjointed as postings are added. This is a result of those Government Agencys involved resorting to secrecy and deception to control my life.

You are probably thinking by now that I am paranoid and delusional, but real "professionals" have already diagnosed me as such, along with a major shopping list of accompanying psychosis.

Hang with me.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

When 911 Gets Out Of Hand!!!!

Let's begin with 911 rolling up to my house on that Saturday night. Four officers to be exact. When I went to answer the door, I noticed that all of the intruders had suddenly left, vanished, disappeared into the night.

The cops thought I had lost it. They called an ambulance and had the EMT's check me out to determine if I was on the verge of dying or just plain crazy. I was informed that since I was experiencing hallucinations, I would need to come to the police station for an evaluation. As a safety precaution, they confiscated my guns.

Since I could only walk with assistance I rode downtown in the ambulance. Once at the police station they called someone to come and evaluate my mental health. They gave me a blanket because I was cold and I settled in to wait.

Matt Spencer and his sidekick from Four County Mental Health arrived about two hours later. I'm not sure why it took two of them but this was Government work which often explains a lot. Matt is a licensed medical social worker, but not a psychiatrist or a psychologist. This makes him a McFreud in my mind.

During the interview I explained that I had been sick for a week and had not eaten for three days. Matt was more inclined to believe that my hallucinations were the result of alcohol withdrawal. I do drink on a regular basis but have quit several times with no withdrawal symptoms.

The evaluation lasted about forty-five minutes and somewhere along in the evening I was told that I was going to Coffeyville Regional Medical Center "if they had room".. This suited me because I was sick, felt like crap and needed some care for a day or so.

Then I sat and chatted for a couple of hours with the Lieutenant in charge. I did begin to wonder why it was taking so long to get a ride two miles across town. The Lieutenant told me that he would give me a receipt for my guns. Later I ask for the receipt and never got one.

Eventually they told me the car was there to take me to the hospital. Two policemen carried me out and put me in the backseat. I tried to give the blanket to one officer, but he told me "Keep it, it's a two hour drive to Osawatomie and you will need it".

I told them flat out that I didn't want to go to Osawatomie and they said that the Coffeyville hospital was full. Then I said they could take me to Independence or Bartlesville. They made some excuse as to why that was not possible. During this discussion they handed the driver a thick package of papers and we hit the road North.

It took me almost three months to figure out why there had been so much secrecy about what hospital I was going to.
This is how the CIA handles terrorists.The only difference being in my case they didn't throw a gunnysack over my head. More about this later.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Where is My B-B Gun?

When I was very young I had my tonsils removed. The only memory I have of this event is lots of ice cream and receiving a brand new B-B gun.

Would Osawatomie be as much fun? Only time would tell. Osawatomie has a patient capacity of around 300 and the annual budget is $40 million dollars. It is one of three state-operated mental hospitals.There are other programs such as Four County that also serve the crazy s and near-crazy s. Health care is big business and the crazy end of it is a mega-million dollar tax eater.

Local police departments are a good and dependable source of customers for the mental health industry. The OSH admissions office is open 24 hours a day and I had a theory that the later at night they brought someone in, the more fucked up that person was, present company excepted.

I was assigned a dormitory that probably held 60 people. The place was bright and clean, though not airy because the doors were always locked. Some inmates were allowed to walk to the cafeteria for meals, but hardened criminals such as Yours Truly were never allowed outside.

Everyone was medicated daily from one to three times. I wondered if the "Walkers" were perhaps over-medicated, perhaps on purpose.

They gave me a wheelchair when I first arrived and this would become a sore spot with the Big Cheese later on. The nurses and attendants were very nice and the food was alright. Fish and chicken were invariably overcooked.

Once in jest I ask a nurse if I could go outside and chase rabbits in my wheelchair and she told me there weren't any bunnies on the hospital grounds. The resident foxes had apparently decimated the weaker species. Nature imitating life.

Either the first or second day I was given a personalized schedule that listed where I was to go and when. Most of the activities were group Drug and Alcohol therapy sessions. The sessions got kind of boring but the alternative was to join a group of uncommunicative patients and stare out the window. A subset of this group were the "Walkers" who spent their entire day walking in circles of various dimensions. The "Walkers" never spoke so they didn't rate too high as friends or companions.

My Interdisciplinary Treatment Plan (schedule)listed my daily activities and also Treatment Plan Goals. The goals were as follows;

G-1 Will report absence of hallucinations for 5 consecutive days.
G-2 Will demonstrate an interest in addiction recovery by making daily positive statements about living.
Discharge criteria-Will demonstrate stabilization of psychotic symptoms (e.g.hallucinations, delusions, confusion, agitation) by reporting when asked, an absence of symptoms for 5 consecutive days.

This seemed like a piece of cake. Be a good boy for 5 days and walk out the front door. My court-appointed lawyer had called maybe the second day and introduced herself. She told me they usually didn't keep people but just a few days and gave me her phone number. The was the last I ever heard from my her.

A few days passed and some of the information on my schedule changed. What really caught my attention was my release date. I was admitted on 4/5 and now I got to stay until at least 4/23. Big Whoop!!

And they added to my treatment goals. Kept the old ones and now:

G-3 Will cooperate with recommended evaluation, procedures and treatment for lower extremity weakness ( I assume this was physical therapy but it never happened)

G-4 Will sustain no injury falls during hospitalization at OSH.

My psychiatric treatment consisted of a weekly fifteen minute "Meet & Greet" with a confrontational psychologist (The Big Cheese) who's main concern was always about my need for a wheelchair. He was on a mission from God to take it away.

Somewhere along near the end of my incarceration I begin to suspect that there would be some sort of court action taken in my case so I called my lawyer. Called her three times in fact. Never a peep. Much later I would discover how badly this little bit of legal negligence would come back to bite me in the ass.

I began to get sick near the end of my stay. My problems included a sore throat and persistent cough, severe skin rash, sore shoulder and questions about my medication. I first requested to see a Dr. on April 15. Asked again on April 18th. Ask about Dr. again on April 21. Never saw a Dr. until I got back home. Went to the CRMC Emergency Room and was diagnosed with Bronchitis.

Prior to my dismissal I attended a meeting with the whole psychiatric staff and a social worker from Four-County. They told me how it was going to be which included cleaning up my house, taking my medication, attending D&A counseling at Four County and NO DRINKING.

Eventually my release day came and my brother drove up to take me home. The staff gave me a small supply of the various medications and two prescriptions to be filled later.

Then we loaded up and headed South leaving the Land of Enchantment behind, but I carried with me a tote sack full of suspicions, doubts and regrets. Also I forgot to ask about my B-B gun.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back Home... Now What?

So I'm back home and stuff seems the same... but I'm not. My whole life was in upheaval and now Four County was telling me what hoops to jump through. I am the worlds worst housekeeper so Four County decided that I had to have somewhere else to live while I cleaned my house. By default I moved in with my brother in Independence. That was cool, but just for a while.

I was required to continue my medication as prescribed by OSH doctors and I had two prescriptions from there that I took to my Dr. I ask him if I should have them filled and he said that if I didn't stay on the medication they could send me back to Osawatomie. No thanks.

Took the two prescriptions to Wal-Mart like a good boy. When I went to pay, the bill was $274 plus tax!! Yes you heard me right. $4.00 for one prescription, $270 for thirty tablets (30 day supply) for the other.

Received a letter dated May 5th. from my lady lawyer informing me that she would no longer be representing me and giving me the name of my new attorney. Her letter included a case number so I called the Court Clerk asking for access to all of the files relating to my case. He informed me that the judge had sealed the records. I mistakenly thought that I could not use a Freedom of Information request to obtain these records and the clerk didn't offer this information.

Somewhere along in here I contacted Four County and ask for copies of all of my records. After going over the material supplied, I discovered that the original evaluation preformed by Matt on April 3rd. was missing. Another call to Four County messed up their minds. Apparently no one had ever ask for this information.

From the files I learned a little and I learned a lot. My brother had been paying my bills and he furnished Four County with a dollar figure that I had charged at the liquor store. The figure was not accurate but it was slowly dawning on me that truth was not a major factor in "Crazy Court".

I can't be sure, but possible Four County tortured my brother to get him to talk. He blabbed on about my strained relationship with my kids, my religious beliefs (Atheist) and also felt it important to divulge that my tab at McDonalds ran $53.

The Initial Evaluation Report was a big surprise to me. They had had me bobbing and weaving through all manner of D&A counseling (OSH and Four County) and were constantly asking me, "Have you been drinking?". But the report only touched on alcohol while the main thrust was toward cataloging how absolutely insane I really was.

Let's check it out

Had a court appearance July 9th. before Judge Canady. Finally I was able to testify and present my side of the story. The judge listened very intently to what I had to say and then gave me another 90 days of D&A counseling. I had admitted to some drinking and that didn't set too well.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just A Reminder

Just a reminder. This whole affair came about simply because I was very sick and malnourished. This was the sole cause of my hallucinations. A over zealous mental health worker, uninterested attorneys and a judge who ignores the facts and evidence combined to create This Perfect Storm.

I think at this point some of the participants may have realized how wrong they have been but the situation has gone too far for them to say, "Hey!!! We made a mistake". Easier to leave me twisting in the wind than to admit they could be wrong.

Then Alice Went Down The Rabbit Hole

Let's keep in mind that my interview with Matt Spencer only lasted 45 minutes and I do not recall any subsequent interviews concerning my mental health during my time in OSH. From his brief examination Matt concluded that I suffered from the following psychosis and/or disabilities:
  • Current danger to others: threat
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Visual limitations
  • Suspicious
  • Anxious
  • Detached
  • Paranoid
  • Bizarre
  • Auditory hallucinations
  • Visual hallucinations
  • Memory impaired remote
  • Memory impaired recent
  • Insight lacking
  • Impaired abstract thinking
  • Impaired judgment
  • Bizarre behavior
  • Generalized anxiety
I left out a few items that were incomprehensible to the layman but that still leaves nineteen to ponder. There was scant explanation of the reasoning behind each entry that would allow a person of normal intelligence to gain some insight into the patient. "Bizarre" for instance. What is the meaning and significance of this accusation? Only Matt knows for sure.

Moving on through Matt's report you might get the impression that getting me committed to Osawatomie was going to "make his day".

Below are items from the report that were check marked.

  • Recommend involuntary admission to Osawatomie State Hospital in accordance with KSA Statute;
(must meet criteria 1,2 and 3, plus 4 and/or 5 below)
from pg. 5B of screening form
-the items below were all check marked.

  • 1. Is suffering from a severe mental disorder to the extent that he/she needs involuntary care in a State Hospital.
  • 2. Lacks the capacity to make an informed decision concerning his/her need for treatment
  • 3. Is not manifesting a primary diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder, chemical abuse/addiction, mental retardation, organic personality syndrome, or an organic mental disorder.
  • 4. Is likely, in the reasonably foreseeable future, to cause substantial physical injury or physical abuse to self or others or substantial damage to another's property, as evidenced by behavior causing, attempting, or threatening such injury, abuse or damage; or
  • 5. Is substantially unable, except for a reason of indigence, to provide for any of his /her basic needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, health, or safety, causing a substantial deterioration of the person's ability to function with current level of support, care or structure.
Concerning the 5 items above, they are pure Bullshit!!! Matt had to swear that this crap was true or I walked on him. First he says that I am a "Current danger to others: threat" and then for good measure adds #4 on to the charges. I thought there were intruders in my house and threatened them with a gun. If those people were actually there, then the Castle Doctrine applies. Click here for explanation. If the people did not exist then I threatened no one.

If I were actually a "Current danger to others: threat" then I would have shot my house completely full of holes. The OK Corral dust up would have looked like a tea party by comparison!

But nothing violent occurred. I thought I was in danger and I called 911. Matt was pulling whatever it took out of very thin air in order to make a case for my commitment to Osawatomie. Four County employees must get points for locking people up.

And let's not overlook the profit motive. My short stay in Osawatomie cost $7,000. Medicare paid $6,000. Where does the rest come from? I'll have to wait and see. And after I was dismissed from the hospital Four County had their hooks in me and I supposedly owe them $1000 because insurance won't cover the group counseling they offer.

But here is a question that literally begs for an answer; If they locked me up for being crazy, why is the only treatment I have received and continue to receive is for Drugs and Alcohol?

If Lewis Carroll were alive today he would be begging to write a book about these events.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Here Come Da' Judge

Once I found out I could not have access to the court records I began asking my new attorney to get this information for me. All I knew was that there had been some court proceedings prior to my release from the hospital. The attorney failed to furnish the requested information so I wrote him on August 11th detailing some of the problems with my case and asking to go back to court to clarify these issues. I also asked for an appointment.

Time passed and he did not reply to my letter so on August 25th I wrote Judge Canady and explained that my lawyer was ignoring me and I wanted access to my court records. Did not hear from the judge but my attorney sent me some copies including the court's Order of Treatment. Of the documents that I received, several were undated and/or unsigned. I had specifically requested a transcript of any court hearings. My attorney said he did not have these. Guess it was too much trouble to get them from the court.

The most interesting item was the Order for Outpatient Treatment. This was the judge's decision based on a court hearing held April 21, 2008. At this time I was still incarcerated in OSH and had no knowledge of the proceedings. Or did I? According to the Order I was present along with my attorney. Although the hearing was held April 21, I did not receive a copy of the OTO until Sept. 3rd.

Item #2 of the order states "That by clear and convincing evidence the proposed patient is a mentally ill person as defined by K.S.A. 59-2902." I imagine so! Four County presented ALL of the evidence and I had no opportunity to defend myself.

Was this one of those famous "Kangaroo Courts" (click) that we hear so much about? But don't go away. There is more.

I have been diagnosed and judged both by Four County and the District court as a"Certifiably Dangerously Loony" but Item #3 states "That the proposed patient would best be treated for his mental illness on an outpatient basis at Four County Mental Health Center .....blah...blah...blah". Final diagnosis -"Crazy, but plays well with others".

On Sept. 13th. I wrote the judge again detailing the shoddy legal assistance I have received and requesting once more that I have access to all of my court files. The Freedom of Information act covers this situation. I also ask the court to appoint me a new lawyer.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Just Another Day...I Suppose

This brings us up to date (Sept 20) but I may do some more editing on the current material as things come to mind.

I am anxious to get into the court files because I am expecting some big surprises.



Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back To The Future

It is interesting how sometimes information comes in dribbles and drabbles and after years of confusion that little light bulb suddenly flickers to life.

For years I have been plagued every year by a Summer full of several bouts of what I can best describe as the flu or "flu like"symptoms. The hammer hits and I would be down for a week.

About ten days ago I suffered the "Mother of all Episodes". I could not walk. Diarrhea was a constant companion.I could barely crawl on my stomach. I took almost an hour to go from the front of the house to the kitchen. Yea! I'm talking sick-sick. And of course there were the obligatory hallucinations. I called an ambulance and went to the Emergency Room.

The ER Dr. begin running tests and after 3 or 4 hours diagnosed me as having an electrolyte imbalance/deficiency and also also a potassium deficiency.

So I spent a few days doing Iv's 24/7's and began to feel much better. Now I'm not going into all of this medical crap for my own ammusment. But it is possible to compare this latest episode with the events that led me to Osawatime. Same symptomes. Identical. But the Boy Genuis from Four County managed to take a medical case and convert it into a MENTAL Case for his own perveted satisfaction.

More on this later.